Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Youth Group Starts

So...I'm sure your all excited about school....well...okay...maybe that's not that exciting.
But here is something that should be!...Youth Group will start September 14th 6:30 (1830 for those that know military time) Not sure what is on the agenda just yet....but we'll be getting together to cover somethings....figure out what activities you guys/gals wanna do this year.

EXALT is October 19th-21st...I hope that you all want to go!!...I do!!

Please don't hesitate to call me anytime...I don't have scheduled "Hours" at the church just yet but call there and if I'm not there call my cell 902 313 0529!

Can't wait to start working with you all!


P.S. Updates etc to times and more will be posted here and on the youth section of the church website

Monday, September 3, 2007

Ta-ta for now

So I'm leaving for Charlottetown today and I just wated to say ... please stay in touch!!!
I'm gonna be living at the college (for those of you who don't know where it is ... 503 University Ave, Charlottetown. across the street from the university) Feel free to pop in for a visit... we can hang out watch a movie or go to the mall... my phone number is 569 3436 (this one has an answering machine... but sometimes I hang out in the basement with everyone and the downstairs number is 569 3888. I look forward to hearing from you all and hopefully I'll be able to make my way out for BLAST. Thanks for an awesome summer!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

High School camp

I had a BLAST ... I hope you did too....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Picnic at Henry's... Youth Service ... Kings Castle

Big week this week... DRAMA just had its final closing for the summer ... tomorrow is the closing of the Amazing Explorers and Thursday ... (oh I love thursdays) is the BBQ at Henry Somers house. If you are planning to attend (your families are invited as well) I need to know ASAP. If you do not email me I will call until I get an answer (:P) So ... EMAIL ...

It starts at 4!!!! Also we (BLAST) are doing our final service project for the summer tomorrow (Wednesday) we will be organizing the Sunday school supply room. Also for those of you who don't know Sunday is our youth service I hope to see you all involved in something. If you have something inparticular you would like to do Please come and see me or call the church. (838 4064) I would like to see you all involved in some way.

Following the Youth Service is the Sunday School kick off picnic at King's Castle!!! We invite you and all your families to come for a time of fun and games ... and FOOD!!! Bring your own deserts but drinks and BBQ provided! :D

I had a BLAST getting to know most of you this summer and look forward to getting to know you all more in the future!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

MCof C VBS 2007

Check out this awesome vid... LOL what fun we had!

Friday, August 3, 2007


If you are on Facebook please let me know so I add you and then add you to the Youth facebook site. Also I have set up the concert and a movie night event on facebook as a way of gettint the word out.

AND ladies and guys ... August 10th is fast approaching... and we need all the hands we can muster so let's get this show on the road!

Yard detail 3 PM today

Poster Hang Up - Tomorrow meet at the church at 2 PM to go around the community!

Also I have tons of prizes to be given away... if anyone has any ideas on contests I am open to hear them ... the crazier the better ... HEHEHEHE LOL

See you today!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Take the Plunge Vacation Bible School Promo

Hope you remember all the plunge points!